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Items Requiring Administrative Approval Application for the Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China & Foreign Expert Certificate

1. Legal Basis

This document is formulated pursuant to RULES FOR THE APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERMIT FOR FOREIGN EXPERTS IN CHINA issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of the People's Republic of China in 2004. (Wai Zhuan Fa (2004) No. 139)

2. Procedure

Filling in forms online→Approved→Receiving the permit/certificate

3. Conditions for Application

Foreign experts applying for the Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China and Foreign Expert Certificate should be in good health, abide by the laws and regulations of China, have no criminal records and satisfy one of the following conditions:

1) will be working in Jiangsu as a technical expert or a manager pursuant to an agreement or treaty between governments or international organizations, or a Sino-foreign economic or trade contract;

2) will be working in Jiangsu as a foreign expert in education, scientific research, media, publication, culture, art, medicine and sports, etc.;

3) will assume the management role of Vice President or higher-level executive, or will work as a technical expert entitled to benefits and treatment equivalent to those of Vice President, in a company in Jiangsu;

4) a representative in Jiangsu of an organization composed of foreign experts, an employment agency or any other permanent establishment approved by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China;

5) will be working in Jiangsu as a technical expert or a manager specializing in economics, technology, engineering, trade, finance, accounting, tax and tourism, etc., who is an expert in a particular field or whose expertise is urgently needed in China;

Experts qualified for conditions ii or iii need to have a bachelor's or higher degree and more than 5 years of relevant working experience (more than 2 years of relevant working experience is mandatory for those who will be working as language teachers).

Please log in the Management System of the Employment Documents of Foreign Experts in China of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China at to apply for the above-mentioned permit/certificate. Applications without following such online procedures will not be handled.

4. Materials Required

1) Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China

a. an employer-provided application letter for the Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China, which shall provide information including the names, nationality and passport numbers of the applicant and his/her accompanying family members, as well as the position, job duties and job duration. A separate application is required for each applicant;

b. an application form of the Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China (Please submit online and then print it in the application system. The printed form shall be stamped by the employer);

c. a photocopy of the applicant's passport (the personal information page);

d. the resume of the applicant, including information such as work experience and education starting from senior high school;

e. a photocopy of the certificate(s) of the highest degree or professional qualifications;

f. a photocopy of the accompanying family members' passports (the personal information page);

g. photocopies of proof of the relationship between accompanying family members and the applicant and supporting documents provided by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the applicant's home country;

h. a photocopy of the health certificate issued by any foreign medical organization that is certified by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the applicant's home country, or by a health and quarantine department designated by the Chinese government;

i. an employment agreement or a contract;

j. photocopies of the employer's registration documents;

k. a photocopy of the employer's business license if the expert is employed for business activities; a photocopy of proof of eligibility for employing foreign experts if the applicant is employed for cultural or educational purposes;

l. a photocopy of No Criminal Record Certificate (issued by police authorities, judicial departments, or the Chinese embassy/consulate in the applicant's home country); and

m. any other material as required.

2) Foreign Expert Certificate

A. Documents Required for the Application for a New Certificate

1) an employer-provided application letter for the Foreign Expert Certificate, which shall provide information including the names, nationality and passport numbers of the applicant and his/her accompanying family members, as well as the position, job duties and job duration. A separate application is required for each applicant;

2) an application form (Please submit it online and then print in the application system. The printed form shall be stamped by the employer);

3) photocopies of the applicant's passport (the personal information page) and the visa (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

4) the photocopy of the employment contract or proof of assignment (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

5) a resume of the applicant, including information such as work experience and education starting from senior high school;

6) a photocopy of the certificate of the highest degree or proof of professional qualifications;

7) photocopies of the passports (the personal information page) and visas of the applicant and his/her accompanying family members (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

8) photocopies of proof of the relationship between accompanying family members and the applicant, and supporting documents provided by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the applicant's home country;

9) photocopies of Physical Examination Record of Foreigners of the applicant and his/her accompanying family members (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

10) a photocopy of the temporary residence registration form for foreigners in China (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

11) photos (two-inch; front faced; no hat; light background) of the applicant and his/her accompanying family members (with names written on the back);

12) photocopies of the employer's registration documents;

13) a photocopy of the employer's business license if the expert is employed for business activities; a photocopy of proof of eligibility for employing foreign experts if the applicant is employed for cultural or educational purposes;

14) a photocopy of the held employment certificate and proof of revocation of such certificate provided by the issuer (provided when the applicant applies for a new certificate due to change of his/her assignment);

15) the registration copy of the Employment Permit for Foreign Experts in China (not required if the applicant applies for a new certificate due to change of his/her assignment); and

16) any other material as required.

B. Documents Required for the Extension of the Certificate

1) an employer-provided application letter for the extension of the Foreign Expert Certificate, which shall provide information including the applicant's names, nationality, passport numbers, the Foreign Expert Certificate number, position, job duties and extended duration. A separate application is required for each applicant;

2) an application form (Please submit it online and then print it in the application system. The printed form shall be stamped by the employer);

3) the original and a photocopy of the Foreign Expert Certificate;

4) a photocopy of the employment contract or proof of assignment (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

5) photocopies of the passports (the personal information page) and residence permits of applicant and his/her accompanying family members' passports (The originals shall also be provided for examination);

6) photocopies of the employer's registration documents;

7) a photocopy of the employer's business license if the expert is employed for business activities; a photocopy of proof of eligibility for employing foreign experts if the applicant is employed for cultural or educational purposes; and

8) any other material as required.

5. Completion Deadline:

20 working days.

6. Place for Application:

Window of the Kunshan Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security at the Administrative Service Center

Address: Window of the Kunshan Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Kunshan Municipal Administrative Service Center, 219, Qianjin Middle Street, Kunshan
Tel: 86 (0512) 57379081; 86 (0512) 57379082