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The 288th Pairs between China and the United States!

As per Chinese People¡¯s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the establishment of sister-city relationship between Kunshan, Jiangsu Province,PRCand Durham, North Carolina, USAis officially approved.Durham and Kunshan thus formallybecome the 288th pair of sister cities between China and the United States.

Kunshan, a city that dominates China¡¯s list of top 100 counties and county-level cities for 20 consecutive years till 2024, serves as a demonstration and model for the development of Chinese modernization at its county-level. Durham, home to the world-renowned Duke University, is hailed as the¡°Silicon Valley of Eastern America¡±and the¡°City of Medicine¡±. As two highly representative cities of China and the United States, the two cities have made remarkable achievements in cultural and people-to-people exchange such as education and art since establishing its friendship-city relationship in 2013.

On November 14, 2024, in Durham, at the Signing Ceremony ofDurham-Kunshan Sister-City Agreement, Kunshan Mayor Chen Liyan and Durham Mayor Leonardo Williams jointly signed theAGREEMENT ON ESTABLISHING SISTER-CITY RELATIONSHIP.They also presented the ¡°Durham-Kunshan Sister-City Ambassador¡± commemorative certificates to Mark Goodwillie andJeannetteSong,Co-Chairs ofSister Cities of Durham (SCD)Durham-Kunshan Committee.Attendees of the ceremony included over 70 guestsfrom Durham City Council, SCD and Duke University.

Atthe signing ceremony, Mayor Chen Liyan expressed her gratitude toall those whosupported and promotedDurham-Kunshan sister-city relationship. She stated that, at the warm invitation of Mayor Williams, Kunshan delegation had come as promised, and the two cities had crossed thousands of miles to meet andestablish sister-city relationship. This is not only a continuation of past exchanges but also the beginning ofan all-roundcooperation. She expressed the confidence that, with the support of numerouscommercialand industrial associations, the two cities will deepen pragmatic cooperation in areas such ascommerce, technology, culture, education, and urban governance,thus contributing to the healthy and stable development of China-US relations.

Mayor Williams emotionally expressed his understandingof sister cities: Regardless of how international circumstancesmaychange, love is always the ¡°only currency¡± between sister cities. Although many factors in the world may separateus, there are morethat can bringustogether.Sister-city relationshipallows us to prioritize what bring us together. The two cities share many commonalities and can engage in diverse cooperation in business, technology, education, and other fields.