Dipont HuaYao Collegiate School Kunshan (referred to as "HC") is an innovative school, blending Eastern and Western educational approaches and focusing on the future. Initially established with the support of East China Normal University and East China Normal University Affiliated Second Middle School, the school is inspired by the educational philosophy of ECNU Second Middle School, which aims to "pursue excellence and cultivate future creators." Through outstanding educational quality, personalized growth guidance, and a diverse campus life, Dipont HuaYao Collegiate School aims to create a learning community for Chinese and international students aged 3 to 18, rooted in Chinese culture, expanding global perspectives, and focusing on individual growth. The school is dedicated to nurturing future youth leaders with a strong cultural foundation, international outlook, innovation spirit, collaboration skills, and a sense of social responsibility. Dipont HuaYao Collegiate School is registered with the education authorities and offers enrollment from elementary school to upper school. It awards full-time elementary, middle, and upper school graduation certificates upon completion. In the upper grades segment, the school has received approval for "Sino-American High School Curriculum Education Program" in collaboration with Shattuck-St. Mary’s School, U.S.A., from the education authorities in Jiangsu Province. Additionally, it is an officially certified AP (Advanced Placement) school by The College Board, with AP Code: 694680.
Contact: 0512-36907333
Address: 988 Jingwang East Road, Kunshan